Short notes / cheatsheet for Bash Shell. In Bash, there are several shortcuts key that help speed your command typing!

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Keybind Description
Ctrl + a Moves cursor to the start of the line
Ctrl + e Moves cursor to the end of line
Ctrl + u Remove all the texts before cursor
Ctrl + d Ends a line or delete a character after the cursor
Ctrl + n Searches the command history downwards
Ctrl + p Searches the command history upwards
Ctrl + r Reverse search
Ctrl + d Signal bash that there is no more input
Ctrl + l Clear screen
Ctrl + y Paste deleted content
Ctrl + k Remove all the texts after cursor
Ctrl + x + e Open current text in default editor
Alt + Backspace Remove word
!! Reuse the command typed


Commands Description
pushd/popd Put working directory on a stack
file Determine file type
whatis Display the on-line manual descriptions
apropos Search the manual page names and descriptions
more/less File perusal filter for crt viewing
users Print the user names of users currently logged in
id Print real and effective user and group IDs
killall Kill processes by name
